I work on my art & my blog part time, & work at a "real job" full time.
My art & my blog are fun for me & my passion, & having a steady, reliable job is my other passion. I enjoy work, I honestly do. It gives me a sense of pride in myself.
My art & my blog provide me with an outlet to be creative.
Being a creative person doesn't mean you only have to want to have a job with art or fashion, in fact your creativity can give you a skill set that will greatly benefit you at any job. I love working, & then being able to come home & work on my art. Knowing I have a bunch of things I know how to do gives me confidence.
I'm also writing this because, if you have just graduated college like me, you've probably realized that the world of "going to school" & the world of "I graduated & now I work" are completely different and change, even though it's in this case very good- can be extremely overwhelming!
I'm grateful to have an excellent support system, and these are the things they have told me:
-be proud of what you've accomplished
-it's okay to be nervous
-don't get too ahead of yourself
-count your blessings you already have
-life works out
-don't stop your passions (like me, I keep working on my art! :D)
-you do not need a job that matches your degree. (This is very true, all kinds of jobs can make you happy, and they make me happy)
-don't give up.
About that last tip, don't give up looking for a job. Sometimes it takes a while, but you can do it, anyone can do it.
Hopefully I've shown at least someone that bloggers do normal things besides what they put on their blog, & maybe helped another recent college grad feel more confident :)
Good luck to everyone, & may we all find happiness!