Thursday, May 30, 2013


What I've been taking pictures of lately (from top left):
A Salvia plant in my neighbors yard.
Columbine in my yard.
A wind surfer on Lake Eerie
My simple outfit
Poco & I in the garden
A collage of my paintings
One of my zombie-mutant drawings
A picture of me wearing one of my softest sweaters
Me, looking at False Indigo in the garden 

Also, I figured I'd feature some recent pictures on Instagram I liked that other users took: 
From Top Left:
A crow sitting on top of skulls
John Stamos 
An awesome collection of Pez Despensers
Super cute styling of shorts
A kitten hanging off a pretty white dress! also, I love those boots.
Vintage dresses
A funny fabric print
A striped sweater that reminds me of one of my favorite Kurt Cobain pictures
A sparkly peach dress!

Follow me on IG: Wistful_victorian
And on Facebook: 

And one last thing- I've posted more photos I've been taking in my gallery. They are of some especially lovely Irises. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Becoming a Better Blogger

I just read a great article by Melissa of Freeing Imperfections about the "5 Secrets of Successful Blogging".
I'm basically doing what she said, apart from commenting on other blogs- I need to do that more (I'm so shy!) & I realized that sharing my personal life more is a good thing- not a whiny complain-y thing.
So, I've committed myself to doing these two things more. 
Beginning with this post! Hello, what blogger really wants to admit they are doing things wrong? Well, yes I am & honestly everyday I learn something new & I'm glad I learned this! 
I also learned about the importance of comment moderation. Lately, I've been getting comments from an anonymous source that honestly I do not understand nor feel comfortable with. So, I turned on comment moderation. I was hoping I didn't need to do this- however it is necessary.
I also learned that keeping a calendar for my blog would be a very useful thing, as would writing down ideas for posts.
What really stuck with me also, was how she said that most bloggers are just everyday people, not superhuman or anything. 
I would recommend reading her post on blogging tips to anyone!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Tunes Day & Why I Blog

Besides my usual Tuesday Tunes Day post, I've decided to write about why I blog & give everyone an update about my unconventional wishlist that I posted back in February (!).
My Wishlist Update:
here is the link to my list-
So far from this list, I have found a vintage military coat.
This is a very late update & not very exciting at all so on to my next topic.

Why I Blog:
This is a post I've seen other bloggers do & I always find them very interesting since everyone blogs for different reasons.

Me, I blog because one day- if I do become well known for my art I want there to be an accurate record of my life that people can read. I cannot tell you how annoying it is to sit in an art history class and listen to strange ideas about an artist's motivations & why they did such & such. It gets to be too much. 
I make my art because it makes me happy- end of story.

Also, I think that it is amazing how with the internet we can learn about different people all over the world like no other time in history. In the future instead of hoping to find intact journals & artifacts- people can go on the internet & discover blogs & pictures from the past. It's a fun thing to think that my blog will one day be part of history. 

I just enjoy sharing what I like and having a place for me to look at my outfits & my art. Also, I think that as an artist- having a space where people can get a peek into my life is important. Not only for the aforementioned reasons, but also because everyone likes to be a little nosy! "What does this woman do besides draw zombies & paint? " well you can read my blog ;)

These are the honest reasons why I blog. It's not about the number of readers- although you are all fabulous- nor the number of members that join my blog- I also love all of you too- it's about me enjoying what I do & being able to write it down & share it. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I've been accepted as an Independent Fashion Blogger!
Now, I have more confidence to create posts about my wardrobe however I choose to.
It may sound funny- but no matter how confident you are, getting some recognition for what you like to do is a great thing, a really great thing.

Also, I've been going through my posts from the past year and deleting the ones I had not really thought out- or ones that I personally think do not represent my point of view as clearly as I would like.
When I interviewed Brandon Boyd for one of my illustration assignments, he said that everything he does, is connected in some way. All of his creative projects are all intertwined.

At the time, I thought it was pretty incredible that one person had so much confidence to stand behind their idea so much that they weren't afraid of letting it into each part of their life. I thought- what if I tried this? I'd change my mind so much!! I'd drive myself nuts!
However I realize I was just looking at it wrong. I've found that having a theme to your life & creative endeavors can consist of many ideas- and that it is actually very grounding & calming when you figure out how to incorporate that theme into all that you do. I'm still figuring out ways to do this to this day, it's an ongoing process & I learn as I go along.

Speaking of someone making a theme to their life, Kate from Scathingly Brilliant does it very well!
I was just reading her blog, & thought I would share this with all of you. It's a post about her kitty- & it is very beautiful. After you read it, be sure to browse the rest of her pretty pastel blog.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Inspiration & other musings

This blog post/ article. Everything about this post.

This is one of the photos that accompanies the post. (aka I did not take this- but I really really wish I had!)

This post can be found on the incredibly addictive blog Messy Nessy Chic:

Basically her entire blog gives me inspiration.
& These pictures- they make me feel so happy when I'm feeling sad.
You really do need to click on that link & go look at them.
Do it.

Also, tonight I am cooking dinner! And I started reading a new book!! I'm doing pretty well with my summer list so far.
As for my no new clothes challenge, I am doing well in that area also! Maybe because it has only been a week (we will see). I have thought about my challenge and decided that, if I ever happen to be in a shop & find something awesome (like my 1920's wool US Navy sweater) I am allowed to purchase it. Other than that, because those kinds of finds are very rare, I am not going to buy clothes. Still sticking to my "I can get accessories" rule- because socks wear out & tights do too.

Pasta with Leeks & What I Wore

My first dish I made this summer is pasta with leeks. 
It came out so tasty! I'm proud. 
Everyone had seconds!

What so wore- no new clothes challenge: 

Sweater: American Eagle
Shirt: Target
Jeans: Kohls 
Moccassins: thrifted- Minnetonka 
Scarf: UO

It was a chilly day again today. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lovely Things

To start, I finished a zombie mutant lady drawing today, it felt sooo good to draw something creepy again! 

I have two more left to color- this one is titled " Forget us Not" 

Here are the other lovely things I've discovered lately:
Shey of "A Skirt A Day" takes some pretty crazy looking thrifted dresses & refashions them into super cute, I want those right now dresses & shirts.
Here is one refashion I think is especially cute:

This blog entry on how to dress like Anne Shirley Blythe (aka Anne Of Green Gables from ETSY that I just found recently! Even though some of the pictures don't show up since the items have been sold- the descriptions are worth checking it out. Ps: this & other "how to dress like" lists help give me ideas on how to style my own clothes since I'm trying my hardest to not buy anything new until September.
This print of a bunny eating cookies, that look a lot like Pop Tarts.

This thing! What is this thing? I have no clue but I love it. I found it here:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What I Wore & Orchard Fresh

They just opened an Orchard Fresh grocery store in my area- I am in love! 
I can eat so many things there, & they have a great bath/body & cleaner section filled with products not tested on animals. 
They even have a big pet section, complete with organic elk jerky for doggies & puppy tea! 
I don't think my Poco is going to be drinking tea, but it made me laugh so I had to snap a picture. 
Today was chilly so I wore a cardigan, & I have to admit I was glad. I prefer cooler weather over sweltering hot any day. 
Mustard cardigan: thrifted
Polka dot shirt: thrifted 
Pants: F21 
Shoes: Bon Ton 
Hairbow: American Apparel 
Purse: Payless 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What I Wore

Day 2 of my no new clothes until September challenge-
Shirt: thrifted
Cropped pants: F21
Shoes: Bon Ton 
Hairbow: American Apparel 

Also, I tried to take my first set of "more creative self portraits" I think they came out pretty good. 
And, I did a second thing today on my list which is "cook more". Basically all I did was make the strawberry toping for the shortcake we're having for desert tonight- but hey, even though it's a small thing you cannot have strawberry shortcake without the strawberries! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuseday Tunes Day

Summer 2013

This summer, since I do not have to put up with all the craziness from my undergrad school anymore, I am looking forward to enjoying my time. I made this list because it's always easier to stick to goals if you can see them written down- at least this is true for me.
Cooking is a creative thing, and being able to cook lots of things is fun & will serve me well in life. I love leeks of all things & want to make a recipe my Mom found, and I'd love to perfect homemade guacamole! 
Last summer I didn't get a chance to read much, so this summer I want to read a few books. Nothing crazy, not 50 books or anything- just a few books so I can learn some new things.
I love my mixed media paintings, and want to try something a little different for me. Drawing people is one of my favorite things ever to do- so trying to paint one seems like a natural next step.
My doggie, he is a wee bit plump. He is loosing weight thanks to the weight loss plan I wrote up for him- but I'd like to create a game that he'd enjoy playing outside where he can run about.
Speaking of my Poco running about, I want to exercise more not to loose weight but to maintain my figure & just for the fact that exercising is good for me. I really cannot go outside too much during the middle of the day when the sun is at it's highest-but I was toying with the idea of taking walks in the morning. It's peaceful then & not as sunny- so I won't get burned.
I really admire other bloggers/artists that can take creative self portraits. Getting the camera timer just right and posing just right is an artform I've yet to get a grasp on. This summer I'm going to try, maybe with hilarious results but I'm going to keep on trying until I start to get it right!
Finally, exploring more places is just a given. Wether it's places I've been before or a new place- I learn something new each time & get inspiration. 
Speaking of learning new things- today is day two of my five month self imposed ban on buying clothes. Honestly, I keep thinking about it- but I feel I can do it no problem. I'm looking forward to how creative I can get (well hopefully). Here is a great blog by a girl named Maeve about her adventures with a no new clothes challenge! 
(Ps: her hair is fantastic.)
Phew! long post. I'm looking forward to this summer for sure.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Challenge to Myself

I'm giving myself a challenge, I'm going to try my hardest to not buy any new clothes until September. Clothes- not accessories. Maybe it will progress into this, maybe not. 
Why? Because I've seen a few bloggers do this, & I think it's a great way to push myself to be more creative & resourceful with my existing wardrobe. 
I have so many cute clothes, & honestly do not need any more right now. 
Also, I'm getting very excited just thinking of the money I will save! All the possibilities.... 
I'm going to document all my outfits on my Instagram & on here with more details about where the clothes came from etc. 
So, here is my first outfit: 
Hairbow: American Apparel
Shirt: Thrifted
Pants: F21
Shoes: Gap 

Wishing myself good luck! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I came across this website while looking at 
pictures of insects that inspire me. This photo
specifically led me to the site:

They are Victorian Era slides of insects! The 
website specializes in these, as well as slides 
from before 1840. Not only do they have 
Insect slides- but fossils & the like as well. 

I do not own a microscope, but now I really 
wish I did! It's all so fascinating. 

I found these two pictures as well. I just love 
the minty color of Luna moths, & quirky old

One day, I will own a microscope! 

1920's Wool Sweater

I recently purchased a US Navy sweater from an antique shop by my home. The lady at the shop said it was from either the 20's or 30's but could not remember exactly what the seller had told her. 
I loved the sweater so it didn't matter that much to me, but I did become curious & decided to do some further research. 
I posted up this picture on Instagram 
And a young man from Michigan, he tried on a sweater just like it that day! said that he was told it was from the 1920's or 1930's. 
I then went to the wizard of Google & found all these great pictures of my sweater on men from the 19-teens & 1920's! Get ready for a flood of awesome old photos:(which I do not own or did not take)::

My sweater does not have that snazzy tie.
I think it's so fun that I've found a sweater from a pivotal point not only in American History, but world history! 
Come Fall, or possibly a sooner chilly day- it is Buffalo after all- I cannot wait to wear it. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Antiques & What I Wore

Today, I went antique shopping with my friend at the OP Antique Mall. We saw so many neat things!
Antique malls are like museums to me- but I can buy all the cool things instead of just gazing longingly at them. 
This time, I found some funny hats, an art nouveau inspired dressing screen (it wasn't too old I feel- but it was still really unique) & if you can believe it- 1936 Olympic programs from Germany (a bit disconcerting, but so historically relevant I was shocked that someone was actually selling them) 
As my friend & I were walking about I came across an old US Navy jacket from the 20's- 30's. Its made so well, it fits perfect & it doesn't smell (that surprised me) I bought it & I cannot wait to wear it! 
I prefer unique clothes over super in-style /skimpy/ bright clothing that many other girls around here wear. 
Here's some pictures from my adventure!