Sunday, June 2, 2013

(Life) Clean Room & Clean Closet

I've been meaning to write about this for months- exactly how long it has taken me to get my space of our home into shape again. I was attending a very stressful department at my undergrad school & honestly was just too exhausted- truly exhausted to clean. My mother helped me fold my laundry and we both vacuumed & dusted my room. 
If you are currently in a situation such as I was in, do not fret- it will come to an end & your life will get back to normal, just stay brave.

The first part of my post will be about my closet, specifically how to

1. Think about how much you wear an item. Don't feel guilty about wanting to go through perfectly nice clothes & give them away. It's okay to be lucky enough to have a closet to clean out. Remember how finding something at a thrift shop makes you feel? Someone else will get the same feeling when they find what you have donated to their local shop.

2. Does the item still have tags on it but you've had it for a while? Donate it. Chances are you loved how it looked but didn't realize how it did not fit in with the rest of your wardrobe.

3. It is quite alright to keep sentimental pieces, just keep in mind what is actually sentimental vs. a "really pretty & a great deal" type of piece.
An Example: The dress you first kissed your boyfriend in (mine happens to be a floaty black number with purple violets all over it) vs. a cool scarf you got for $2 that is indeed pretty but you hardly ever wear it. 

4. Keep mental notes as you are cleaning out what you have. If you have tons of scarves- go through those. If you find a piece of clothing that surprises you- because you haven't seen it in forever- get rid of it. There is a reason you forgot about it.

5. Take time to have fun! Play dress up, enjoy the process. Try on different- even really crazy- combinations of clothing. Play your favorite music (mine is the Goo Goo Dolls) pour yourself your favorite drink (my favorite is black coffee). Remember this is a good thing you are doing! Why not let yourself have fun at the same time?
My collection of dresses on top with my tee shirts, & my blazers & coats on bottom.
I actually don't have a traditional closet- I have what I call my "Clothing Wonderland" Racks of clothes around my purple shag rug. When you walk into the space it really is like a clothing wonderland- to me at least :)

My dressier shirts & my skirts are on this rack- as are my shoes (some of them!) 
I put up some nails to hang my hats & belts off of. I like this a lot because I can see exactly what I have. 

Now how to
Clean Your Room:
(specifically how to keep your living area/art area/ small space livable)
I'd like to start this half of my post by saying- cleaning your room may be scary at times. I found a large beetle that wanted to bite me. Of course his mouth was not big enough, but bugs are part of life in a brick house. Also, you may find horribly large dust bunnies hiding in the most unusual places. 

1. Find creative ways to store items. I am using my stairwell as a wee gallery for my finished paintings. Also I'm using the walls in the laundry room.

2. Organize, organize organize! Keep a large contractor bag at hand and as soon as you pick up a questionable item (keep it or not?) throw it out. You honestly don't need it & if you wondered if you wanted to keep it it's a sign to just chuck it. With truly important things- that thought would never cross your mind.

3. Don't keep things just because others like them. Offer to give them to said person or just throw them out. It's your space, keep what you want in it.

4. Dedicate a space to your art. It does not have to be traditional. I do most of my painting in the middle of my clothing wonderland, & my drawing either on my bed or on my desk. Be creative & make sure to keep only the supplies you are using out- put everything else away.

5. Make areas in your space that are mini "shrines". What the heck? Yes. Make small spaces that are dedicated to things you love, that way- as your room starts to get messy again & these places become harder to access or harder to see- you have a reason to start cleaning again. 

6. Make your bed, it makes the space feel bigger, neater & after a day out coming home to a pretty bed is so calming.

7. Your room does not have to be super neat. Martha Stewart is not going to come over. Make sure your space stays dusted & vacuumed fairly well & it's not a complete pig pen & you are good. 

8. Again have fun, take a few minutes to look at pictures you like- a book that mysteriously slipped under a dresser. Have a snack, play music, pour yourself a drink (this time I had a beer ;)). It's not bad your space is messy, we are all human- so don't punish yourself while cleaning.

My artworks in my stairwell.
More artworks on the other side of the stairwell.
All my art supplies
My desk- I love my desk.
My bed- complete with a handmade Peter Rabbit quilt that has a purple twall pattern on the back featuring pirate ships! 
I love my music so I made a small "shrine" on the top of my stereo.
Another "shrine" of feathers I found on the beach, old books & one of my freshman year art projects.
My bookshelf. Yes, I have read all the books.
My art space in the middle of my clothing wonderland. I adore my mushroom stool.

Hope this was helpful, and good luck getting your spaces organized!

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