I really love my over the knee socks from Sock Dreams, it's been rainy & damp this past week & they've been coming in handy.
Yesterday my Ma & I went to Chautauqua- it was so much fun! I took tons of pictures, that I will put up in another post.
I wore the last outfit shown above to Chautauqua. I always try to look nice, unless I'm sick. Then I try to look at least presentable. I'm mentioning this because we stopped at a small gallery & while quietly talking to one of the workers were very rudely interrupted by a loud young woman dressed in a long bright striped tube dress thing, wearing clunky engineer boots & a purple cropped jacket- eew. I mean it's one thing to run up to the woman we were speaking to, and grab her into a hug while yelling "OMG hello!!!!" And thus end our conversation rudely- but it's another thing to dress in such a way to try your hardest to seem artistic this making yourself look like a tacky spastic fool.
This young woman was so loud & rude & badly dressed. She was loudly proclaiming her latest artistic adventures while stomping around in her large boots. My Ma & I were so offended at how she interrupted us, & at how she thought she was so much better than everyone. We were also mad at the worker because suddenly she ignored everyone besides this young woman.
We just left without buying anything. I'm not saying it would have been any better had the young woman been better dressed, but the forced "artistic" outfit she had on made her seem even more annoying.
This is one thing I hate about for lack of a better term " artistic " people. Not all people who have artistic talent dress this way- but for some reason it's a group of people that does have more badly dressed persons than other groups.
Just because someone can draw or paint or what have you isn't an excuse to completely opt out & dress like a complete fool- or for that matter act like one.
Talent is a gift & I believe you have to present yourself in the best way that you can to honor the fact that you've been given that gift. Not wrap yourself in the craziest attire you can find to shove it in people's faces that you are in fact creative.
I appreciate individual style, but there is being yourself- then there is having a complete disregard for trying to look nice & professional. It's almost as if one is saying " I'm talented & better than you so I don't have to try to look nice or listen to societies ideas about what looks nice because I'm above all of you & your pedestrian views don't apply to me- because I'm better! "
This way of thinking gets one nowhere, there are appropriate ways to act & dress for each situation. Not because society is trying to keep you "down" but because fitting in sometimes & showing people you don't need to be different 24/7 are the things that make society & human relationships strong. Being a good person & working on your talents will make you stand out- not the way you can make the craziest outfit nor how loud you can be. Also, dressing nicely helps others relate to you! People can see that yes- you do in fact have a lot of talent but yet you dress like they do. Maybe you have a certain flair with how you dress but you're not so different as to be off-putting.
These are my views on dressing, I get other people might think I'm a bit snotty- but would you give your business to someone dressed as a circus clown & acting like one, or to someone well dressed & well behaved?
My rant is done, for now at least!
Besides that crazed woman- our day was so lovely.
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