Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012

Okay, so I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, and I was reluctant to watch the episode last night because I am such a big fan of Rory & Amy. Who is this new companion I thought, she's not cool. I was wrong. Amy & Rory are forever first in my two hearts, but Clara Oswin Osgood is pretty boss.
First, is she a ghost? An alien? An Immortal? How does she keep dying & re-appearing in different times? I'm betting on Ghost just because that would be so amazingly splendiferous, a ghost companion!

Also, did anyone else notice how the Doctor had more human emotions? He was sulking over the Ponds- as was I- and he said that "The Universe Owes Me!" and he would find Clara, because, gasp! he seemed to be romantically interested in her! He was almost selfish with how he was thinking about her & about his own life. Much as a human would be after they lost loved ones. I'm very interested to see how the Doctor's new outlook on life develops over the new season.

Personally, I think it'd be good for him to finally get a girl again, it was so sad when he had to break up with Rose, he deserves a woman- who seems to live a very long time as he does, so he can actually be with her without her aging & him never aging ither. I mean, Clara always looks the same! So young, I believe they would make an excellent match! She's very adventurous and strong- and I think even though the Doctor views her as someone to almost " keep" as a companion, I think she could straighten out his view of her.

I am always going to miss Amy & Rory but Clara Oswin Osgood seems pretty cool. I mean the closing shot, of her in modern times standing by her old Victorian grave- EPIC!!

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