Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lincoln & a List

I have seen a movie! I watched Lincoln, and I loved it!
It was great, the only thing I wished was that they made the things in the set look more new. The props were period appropriate- but they looked like how we would see them today, older & tarnished vs how Lincoln would have seen them- new and not dusty. But oh well, I think I am just super picky because I adore old things from that era & Lincoln is one of the people who inspire me the most.
PS: also, Lincoln didn't have brown eyes, he had grey eyes. I'm done now.

Perhaps inspired by the past from watching Lincoln & being in the city a lot , I've been on the hunt for clothing that is simple and harkens back to the America of old or darker colors & patterns that seem like they could have been pulled out of a rainy victorian city. I'm drawn to that melancholy, serious pretty vs tough look. But, I have a lot of clothes so I've also been trying to make outfits that match my latest fashion obsession. 
Other than these things my life has been very simple and calm as of late. Spring break ended & basically my days have consisted of going to school, working & cleaning- the usual. The weather cannot turn soon enough! I cannot wait to sit on my porch, take day trips & not have to worry about homework.

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