Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Tunes Day & Why I Blog

Besides my usual Tuesday Tunes Day post, I've decided to write about why I blog & give everyone an update about my unconventional wishlist that I posted back in February (!).
My Wishlist Update:
here is the link to my list-
So far from this list, I have found a vintage military coat.
This is a very late update & not very exciting at all so on to my next topic.

Why I Blog:
This is a post I've seen other bloggers do & I always find them very interesting since everyone blogs for different reasons.

Me, I blog because one day- if I do become well known for my art I want there to be an accurate record of my life that people can read. I cannot tell you how annoying it is to sit in an art history class and listen to strange ideas about an artist's motivations & why they did such & such. It gets to be too much. 
I make my art because it makes me happy- end of story.

Also, I think that it is amazing how with the internet we can learn about different people all over the world like no other time in history. In the future instead of hoping to find intact journals & artifacts- people can go on the internet & discover blogs & pictures from the past. It's a fun thing to think that my blog will one day be part of history. 

I just enjoy sharing what I like and having a place for me to look at my outfits & my art. Also, I think that as an artist- having a space where people can get a peek into my life is important. Not only for the aforementioned reasons, but also because everyone likes to be a little nosy! "What does this woman do besides draw zombies & paint? " well you can read my blog ;)

These are the honest reasons why I blog. It's not about the number of readers- although you are all fabulous- nor the number of members that join my blog- I also love all of you too- it's about me enjoying what I do & being able to write it down & share it. 

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